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Mindful Mental Health Course Outline
A course for teens to create a flourishing life.

1. Flipping the switch
Changing the way you think can ‘flip the switch’ from negative to positive; from defensive mode to open curiosity.
What are positive emotions?
Analysing feelings, changing reactions.
Negative influences, positive drivers.
Habits; building happy habits and routines.
Strengths and growth mindset.

2. Taking control
Why let somebody or something else bring you down?
Looking at how negativity affects your mood.
Examining how SM scrolling can leave us feeling empty, envious, restless or lost.
Labelling anxiety and depression.

3. What does it mean to be happy?
No, not instagram happy – belly laugh, skin-tingling, real- life happy.
Discussing optimism, joy, resilience and hope.
Photos of meaning.
Active awareness.

4. Using the best tools from the toolkit
Building a positive future with your own toolkit (or backpack!)
Breathing to relieve tension.
Photos, vision board, journaling and mentoring.
Exploring PPIs (positive psychology interventions) in more depth and choosing the ones that suit you.

5. Body magic
Your body can dictate how you feel and vice versa.
Whole person health, looking at positive body image, movement to relieve tension and stress.
Sensory responses.
The mind/body connection in complete wellbeing
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