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Mindful Mental Health Course Outline

A course for teens to create a flourishing life.

Happy Girl

1. Flipping the switch

Changing the way you think can ‘flip the switch’ from negative to positive; from defensive mode to open curiosity.

  • What are positive emotions?

  • Analysing feelings, changing reactions.

  • Negative influences, positive drivers.

  • Habits; building happy habits and routines.

  • Strengths and growth mindset.

Foggy Waters

2. Taking control

Why let somebody or something else bring you down?

  • Looking at how negativity affects your mood.

  • Self-compassion.

  • Examining how SM scrolling can leave us feeling empty, envious, restless or lost.

  • Labelling anxiety and depression.

Happy Teens

3. What does it mean to be happy?

No, not instagram happy – belly laugh, skin-tingling, real- life happy.

  • Discussing optimism, joy, resilience and hope.

  • Photos of meaning.

  • Mindfulness.

  • Active awareness.

Sitting at a lake at sunset

4. Using the best tools from the toolkit

Building a positive future with your own toolkit (or backpack!)

  • Breathing to relieve tension.

  • Photos, vision board, journaling and mentoring.

  • Exploring PPIs (positive psychology interventions) in more depth and choosing the ones that suit you.


5. Body magic

Your body can dictate how you feel and vice versa.

  • Whole person health, looking at positive body image, movement to relieve tension and stress.

  • Sensory responses.

  • The mind/body connection in complete wellbeing

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